We Speak Travel Ease

Feeling overwhelmed about researching, planning, and booking your next trip? Not to worry … at Avant Travel, we speak “Travel-Ease”.  And we are fluent too!


T is for Time

In the early days of the internet, it seemed like booking travel online would be more convenient and save time. But those days are long gone. There is simply too much information online these days and it is too complex. Our professional travel advisors (yes, we like to call them “travel advisors”, not “travel agents”) can sift through that glut of information and find the perfect fit for your travel needs and budget, saving you valuable time.

R is for Relationships

Avant has strong working relationships with hotels and travel suppliers that have been cultivated for many years. We put the power of those relationships to work for you! Our Virtuoso connection gives us preferred status with many vendors, which translates into extra leverage when we are troubleshooting and access to special perks and exclusive amenities for our clients.

A is for Advocacy

It is a commonly held misconception that using a travel advisor will somehow lead to a booking that benefits the travel agency more than it does the traveler. At Avant, we are diligent about doing what is in our client’s best interest, including finding the best price, but more importantly, the best value. We go the extra mile for our clients and advocate for them when problems or disputes arise. As a seasoned traveler once said, “A good travel advisor is like a good mechanic – once you find one, you’ll never want to give them up.”

V is for Value

Many believe that they can save a lot of money by booking their own travel online and skipping a travel agency altogether. Avant’s travel advisors have access to the same pricing and deals that are available online, and sometimes even better deals through negotiated rates and volume booking. But, more importantly, our advisors are able to secure more value for your travel dollar by throwing in added amenities such as free room upgrades, complimentary meals, and resort credits. See Our Real Life Story for more information.

E is for Exclusive Amenities

At Avant, travel is our passion. It’s what we do all day, every day. And we’ve been doing it for decades. Sure, there is plenty of information available on the internet for the “do-it-yourselfers”, but there is also plenty of misinformation as well. Avant’s advisors know the difference. And, let’s face it, some itineraries are more complicated than others, such as international travel. Avant’s detailed research, planning, and expert advice can tackle even the most complex travel itineraries.